
Hi, my name is Stefan Neumann and I am a tenure-track assistant professor at TU Wien, generously funded by a WWTF VRG grant, and associate faculty at the Complexity Science Hub. My main research areas are as follows:

  • Foundations of data science: I develop practical data science algorithms with provable guarantees. I am particularly interested in scalable algorithms that exploit properties of real-world data.
  • Social network analysis: I study how interventions, such as timeline algorithms, influence the polarization and the disagreement in (online) social networks.

Previously, I was a WASP assistant professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and a post-doc with Aris Gionis. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Vienna, advised by Monika Henzinger. During that time, I visited Eli Upfal at Brown University for six months.

My Ph.D. thesis won the Heinz Zemanek Award from the Austrian Computer Society and an Award of Excellence from the Austrian federal government.

You can find more information including my publications in my CV.

Research Group

I am most happy to be working with the following bright students:

If you are interested in working with me, please get in touch.